The Role of Hepatitis B Virus X Gene in Leading Hepatocellular Carcinoma


  • Neha Nadeem KAM School of Life Sciences,Forman Christian College University
  • Muhammad Zubair Yousaf KAM School of Life Sciences, Forman Christian College University, Lahore, Pakistan.


Chronic Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection affects people with an estimated 296 million cases globally. It is known to be the most common risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).  HBx is the HBV-encoded oncogene and a major multifunctional regulatory protein that defines chronic HBV infection, replication, and HBV-associated carcinogenesis. Determining the incidence of HCC with different genotypes and HBx mutations is necessary. In this review, Hepatitis B virus X gene is signified and implicated as the principal role in causing HCC. The aim of this review is to evaluate the significance of Hepatitis B virus X to that of other HBV genes. HBV gene mutations such as P, S, and C are responsible for viral replication, antigen expression, and a disrupted immune response, respectively. In comparison to other genes, the X gene of the hepatitis virus has the worst clinical results that significantly lead to Hepatocellular carcinoma. Most previous research has concluded that HBx significantly leads to chronic HBV infection. Therefore, the HBV risk factors, prevalence, and HBx mutations are essential in spreading the chronic infection. Further studies on the HBx gene is still required to explore in countries like Pakistan in terms of leading to disease like hepatocellular carcinoma.



How to Cite

Nadeem, N., & Yousaf, M. Z. . (2023). The Role of Hepatitis B Virus X Gene in Leading Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Abasyn Journal of Life Sciences, 6(Issue 1), 65-73. Retrieved from



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